
Murder of Bianca Devins: A Full Timeline Explored

On July 14, 2019, Brandon Andrew Clark murdered Bianca Michelle Devins after allegedly witnessing her kiss another guy, but police reports suggest that the murder was planned.

Following a suicide attempt that failed, Clark was charged with second-degree murder. He later pleaded guilty to murdering Devins and was sentenced to 25 years to life in prison.

Clark and Devins were in a relationship, according to police reports. The two, on the other hand, saw it differently. Devins’ sister referred to him as a close family friend, whereas others considered him predatory. He was dubbed an incel on social media.

The murder of Ryan Alan DeVins received significant media and social media attention. Early reports were rife with errors. Clark’s photos of Devins’ corpse were widely posted online, generating both ridicule and compassion.

The response by social networking companies was subject to criticism, which prompted the introduction of legislation inspired by Devins’ death. Commentators have addressed the crime’s distinctiveness and its connection to social media’s organizational structure. Murder of Bianca Devins: A Full Timeline Explored.

Bianca Devins And Her Boyfriend Relationship Prior To The Murder

After the pair met on Instagram in April 2019, Brandon Clark began following Bianca Michelle Devins (b. 1993), also known as Bianca Ahren, and it is believed that she introduced him to Brandon Andrew Clark (born October 6, 1997; 21 years old when he murdered her).

The two had been friends for quite some time; Devins’ mother, Kimberly Devins, felt that Clark “wanted more.”

Devins informed her mother that she did not want to date Clark. Police described their relationship as a “personally intimate one,” according on family and friends’ accounts.

According to one of Devins’ sisters, he was a trusted family friend. One of Devins’s pals believed he might have sexually exploited her while they were high on drugs, which he would provide to her in order to spend time with her.

Devins and Clark’s Biographies

Devin was planning to attend Mohawk Valley Community College in Utica for psychology. Her family was concerned about her mental illness, which included depression, anxiety, borderline personality disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

According to the paper, Devins’ mother “had been in and out of hospitals receiving mental health therapy for most of her teen years.”

She found comfort in online communities after having felt lonely. According to The Post-Standard, at least two years ago, Devins had been subjected to internet abuse by incels.

Clark’s childhood was marred by dysfunction; he once saw his father brandish a knife over his mother for several hours. When Kim met Clark, she said that he “appeared to be very nice” and was “polite.”

Murder of Bianca Devins

Nicole Dollanganger was performing a concert in New York City on July 13, 2019, when Devins, Clark, and another male friend of theirs named Alex attended. Following the broadcast, Clark and Devins went back to Utica.

The pair began arguing about a kiss between Devins and Alex; eventually, Clark started punching her in the neck with a long knife concealed by his seat.

On the night of July 14, Devins died as a result of injuries inflicted by Clark while they were having sex.

She was murdered, then her body was left in the vehicle where it would be burned alongside that of her boyfriend’s so that he could watch as she “burned.”

After Devins’ death, Clark called numerous family members. His call resembled a suicide note, prompting his family to call 911. He posted photographs of Devins’ body to a Discord server, accompanied by the caption: “sorry fuckers, you’re going to have to find somebody else to orbit”.

A video of the murder was recorded as well. Discord users alerted the cops by 7 a.m., who received “numerous” calls, including one from Clark, and made contact with Devins’ relatives. In his call to the dispatcher, Clark stated:

“My name is Brandon, the victim is Bianca Michelle Devins, I’m not going to stay on the phone for long, because I still need to do the suicide part of the murder-suicide”.

Clark killed himself early on the day of the incident, according to the police report. He plunged a knife into his neck after law enforcement arrived. Clark lay across a green tarp covering Devins’ body while uploading more pictures online.

A suicide note and a message were discovered, both of which stated, “May you never forget me.” The following day, authorities confirmed that Devins was the victim and charged Clark with second-degree murder..

Police said the possibility that he planned the murder had to be considered, since he had “had the knife and equipment to video record the killing.” Clark wanted to be famous, according on Police Sgt. Michael Curley.

DeMellier stated that Clark has given various explanations to a variety of people concerning his motives. He’d done research on how to discover the carotid artery, how to render someone helpless, or kill them.